Visualizzazione degli articoli taggati 'install'

 How to install cPanel?

cPanel is a #1 Hosting Control Panel in the web hosting industry and you can easily install...

 How to use WordPress Manager

Go to Dashboard "CLICK HERE" -> In the Top Menu Click on Services -> My Services Select...

 How to Install Webmin on CentOS 7 Linux?

Webmin is a free hosting control panel with an easy installation. It takes only 5 to 10 minutes...

 How to Install SolusVM Master on CentOS 7 Linux?

SolusVM is a popular VPS hosting control panel and SolusVM master is used for controlling Slave...

 How to Install the SolusVM Slave on CentOS 7?

The SolusVM is a popular VPS hosting control panel and the SolusVM Slave is installed on a...