Custom Site Title

This documentation will guide you on How to Insert Site Title for Pages

Goto Editor

When on Website Builder Dashboard. Hover on Pages option given on the left sidebar and then click on All Pages. Once on all Pages Click on Edit Icon of Any Page. 

You will be redirected to Editor.

Select SEO Option

On Editor hover on more menu on the navigation bar. When you hover on more menu three buttons will be drop down i.e Reset Page, SEO Options and Custom HTML.

Click on SEO Option.

Insert Site Title

On clicking SEO Option you will see a dialog box will appear. Insert Site Title for any Page using drop down menu.

Note: If Site Title is set for Global Meta it will also change the main Site Title for your website in SitePad Settings. Also, if any page does not have Custom Site Title then it will be used from Global Meta.

Once you have made the changes then click on Save Meta to save the Site Title.

Clear Meta Details

To Clear Site Title of the current page click on Clear Meta. Site Title will be reset to none.

Note: For Global Meta if you click on Clear Meta to clear Site Title it will not reset SitePad Settings Site Title that was saved previously when Global Meta Site Title was set.

  • Custom Site Title, custom, title, site title, tagline
  • 0 Пользователи нашли это полезным
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